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#03 Flute: Lecdem

The fourth performance in SPIC MACAY IIT Palakkad chapter was a lecture-demonstration by the
famous flautist Pt. Ronu Majumdar, Pt. Ajit Pathak on tabla and Shri Hrishikesh Majumdar on flute .

As a custom it all started in the evening with the lighting of lamp by artists, Prof. K.V.G. Kutty and Dr. Archana Ghode ji and an introduction of the artists by our volunteer Gunjan and honouring the artists by volunteer Raghav Tiwari followed by the lecture-demonstration.
Prior to the performance, Pt. Ronu Majumdar introduced the artists about the origin and significance of flute in Indian classical music. Then he started playing different ragas with the fellow artist Shri Hrishikesh Majumdar, Pt. Ajit Pathak on tabla joined him after a little time.

The whole performance was quite mesmerizing and filled everyone with calmness and lve to the music. 
The evening ended with the vote of thanks by volunteer Himanshu Khandelwal and honoring the artists with mementos by volunteer Muskaan Maheshwari. It truly was an experience of a lifetime which every
student and every man present there will cherish for life.

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